Find Lyrics on Mobile Phones | iLyrics dot mobi

lyrics on mobile phone

Let’s say you’re listening to a song on the radio or mp3 player, and you can’t make out part of what it’s saying. Or maybe you have a friend who sings the wrong words all the time and it really bugs you. Now there is a way to find out what the song really says no matter where you are. is a mobile site that claims to be “the largest mobile lyrics archive on the planet.” If the site doesn’t have the lyrics you want, there’s an option to add them. The web version of the site allows vistitors to view videos from youtube to accompany the lyrics.

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One Response to “Find Lyrics on Mobile Phones | iLyrics dot mobi”

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  1. Death Metal says:

    Thanks for sharing this one it would be easy to find lyrics using mobile phones.

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