May 8, 2010

Make a Mobile Site Fast and Easy

Attention Mobile Developers, Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

As the mobiEnthusiast, I purchased my first mobile (.mobi) domain name in 2007. It was an exciting day, and I had a vision for how the world would be able to access the internet from their phone and not be tied to a computer. I thought hard about the kinds of sites that would be worthwhile for people, and what kind of information they would need. Then I stopped in my tracks. I didn’t have the technical skills to pursue my passion for the mobile web.

Flash forward to 2010. I have more development skills, but my design skills are still lacking. My favorite development platform is Wordpress, and yet, the options for mobile web have still been limited for most people by a brick wall of a learning curve for xhtml, php and css. Wordpress is first and foremost a blogging platform, and so by definition, it is going to show dates for updates and require constant attention to keep it fresh for the search engines.

Finally, last month, I found a developer who has the experience to use device detection and the design skills to make the site look current. As of April 2010, there is a new Wordpress Mobile Theme that will allow you to make a full mobile site without the constant updates required for blog posts. If you are a mobile domain name investor, this is a no-brainer. Yes, this is an affiliate link, because I believe so strongly in the product that I think my readers ought to have it, too. If you know me, I am very picky about what I will promote and make sure it works.

I worked very closely with the developer and have tested it myself on one of my sites that is in development. This is a very exciting day for people who want to build full websites for phones who are short in the technical and design skills department.

I’ll keep you posted.

Related posts:

  1. Wordpress Mobile Plugin Update
  2. Fast Food Mobile Delivers | Sonic Mobile
  3. Mobile Web Design That Rocks
  4. Make Your Site Mobile Friendly – Take 2

About Holly Kolman


  1. Mfreak says:

    Cool! I’ve been using Mobile Joomla! for my Joomla! sites, and this seems to be a great alternative for my Wordpress blogs!!

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